Thursday, November 12, 2009

Poincaré Conjecture真得能被证明吗?(初稿)

杨正瓴 Zheng-Ling YANG,2009-07-31

Can the Poincaré Conjecture (Poincaré Conjecture) be proved really?
Why do not we consider the other 2 different answers to it?
要考虑Poincaré Conjecture的成立、不成立、独立3种回答。

费马(Pierre de Fermat, 17 August 1601 or 1607/8 – 12 January 1665)说:证明的实质在于使人信服。(出处和原文待考,欢迎指点!)
在Encyclopaedia of Mathematics(Edited by Michiel Hazewinkel), 里A.S. Kuzichev说:

A reasoning conducted according to certain rules in order to demonstrate some proposition (statement, theorem); it is based on initial statements (axioms). In practice, however, it may also be based on previously demonstrated propositions. Any proof is relative, since it is based on certain unprovable assumptions. Rules of conducting a reasoning and methods of proof form a main topic in logic. See Proof theory.
关于“证明”的更多内容,请看我的博文《什么是“证明” The definition of Proof》(
所以英国数学家罗素(Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell,1872年5月18日—1970年2月2日)说,“数学是所有形如p蕴含q的命题的类”,而最前面的命题p是否对,却无法判断。因此“数学是我们永远不知道我们在说什么,也不知道我们说的是否对的一门学科”。(见:顾沛,数学文化(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材),北京:高等教育出版社,2008,第9页)

1974年,Gregory John Chaitin (born 1947, an Argentine-American mathematician and computer scientist) 发表“Information-theoretic computational complexity”,见:IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, IT-20 (1974), pp. 10-15. (Chaitin的该类工作还有其它杂志的文章。Chaitin的定理是哥德尔第一不完全定理的信息论化表示、细化。)
It is also possible to make a similar analysis of the deductive method, that is to say, of formal axiom systems. This is accomplished by analyzing more carefully the new version of Berry's paradox that was presented. Here we only sketch the three basic results that are obtained in this manner. (See the Appendix).
(1) In a formal system with n bits of axioms it is impossible to prove that a particular binary string is of complexity greater than n+c.
(2) Contrariwise, there are formal systems with n+c bits of axioms in which it is possible to determine each string of complexity less than n and the complexity of each of these strings, and it is also possible to exhibit each string of complexity greater than or equal to n, but without being able to know by how much the complexity of each of these strings exceeds n.
(3) Unfortunately, any formal system in which it is possible to determine each string of complexity less than n has either one grave problem or another. Either it has few bits of axioms and needs incredibly long proofs, or it has short proofs but an incredibly great number of bits of axioms. We say “incredibly” because these quantities increase more quickly than any computable function of n.

(1)该命题被证明是合理的。如:1995年数学家安德鲁·约翰·怀尔斯(Andrew John Wiles, 1953 -)证明了费马大定理(Fermat's last theorem)。
(3)该命题具有独立性:既不能被证明是合理的,也不能被证明是不合理的。如:连续统假设(Continuum Hypothesis)。In 1963 P. Cohen showed that the continuum hypothesis (and therefore also the generalized continuum hypothesis) cannot be deduced from the axioms of ZFC assuming the consistency of ZF. ( ZFC: Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice. 即,连续统假设独立于ZFC。

(1)非欧几何学(Non-Euclidean Geometry)(见:胡作玄,2004年):19世纪中期,人类发现,除了欧氏几何外,还有两类非欧几何:一类是罗巴切夫斯基几何,也称为双曲几何,一类是黎曼式的非欧几何学(请勿与微分几何学的重要分支黎曼几何学相混淆!),也称椭圆几何。它们彼此排斥,但每一自身又是协调的即没有内在逻辑矛盾的几何。
(3)芝诺悖论(Zeno's Paradoxes)里的“阿基里斯和乌龟赛跑”:
(4)牛頓(Newton) 最初創立微積分時是使用「無窮小量」(Infinitesimal)的概念的。雖然微積分能非常有效地解決一些實際的物理學問題,而且在其創立後獲得了廣泛應用和發展,但是由於無窮小量的概念相當模糊和不嚴謹,微積分一直缺乏堅實的理論基礎,而且還常遭逅病,例如英國哲學家貝克萊(Berkeley)便曾批評無窮小量的定義有任意性。微積分的此一問題甚至構成數學史上有名的「第二次數學危機」。此一情況直至19世紀柯西(Cachy)建立嚴格的實函數理論和魏爾施特拉斯(Weierstrass)創立一套用來表述極限的「ε-δ語言」(註4)。自此微積分( 以及以微積分為基礎的整個分析學)便有了嚴格穩固的理論基礎,「極限論」取代「無窮小量」成為微積分的基礎。今天一般的大學微積分課程均以極限論作為基本的課程內容,此即今天所稱的「標準分析」(Standard Analysis)。(见:
Weierstrass给出了著名的“ε-Nε-δ)”定义。“ε-Nε-δ)”定义第一次使极限和连续性摆脱了与几何和运动的任何牵连,给出了只建立在数与函数概念上的清晰的定义。使用Weierstrass ε-δ做法但它是著名更加容易使用infinitesimals的概念。
但这并不妨碍/限制“非标准分析Non-standard analysis”的合理性。非标准分析是一个数学分支,它用严格的无穷小的数(infinitesimal number)的概念来构建分析学。数学中利用现代数理逻辑把通常实数结构扩张为包括无穷小数与无穷大数的结构而形成的一个新分支。美国数理逻辑学家A.鲁宾逊于1960年创立。(Abraham Robinson. Non-standard analysis. Amsterdam, North-Holland Pub. Co., 1966.)

Poincaré Conjecture真得能被证明吗?
John Milnor对的Poincaré Conjecture官方表述为:“Question. If a compact three-dimensional manifold M3 has the property that every simple closed curve within the manifold can be deformed continuously to a point, does it follow that M3 is homeomorphic to the sphere S3?”(
Poincaré Conjecture在Encyclopaedia of Mathematics里被Yu. B. Rudyak表述为:
An assertion attributed to H. Poincaré and stating: Any closed simply-connected three-dimensional manifold is homeomorphic to the three-dimensional sphere. A natural generalization is the following assertion (the generalized Poincaré conjecture): Any closed -dimensional manifold which is homotopy equivalent to the -dimensional sphere is homeomorphic to it; at present (1991) it has been proved for all (and for smooth manifolds also when ). (


本人的“瞎想”:Poincaré Conjecture,是Jules Henri Poincaré (29 April 1854 – 17 July 1912,French mathematician and theoretical physicist)在1904年提出的一个问题。由于Poincaré对科学问题具有异乎寻常的惊人判断力,因此他这个问题的答案很可能是不唯一。
成立、不成立、独立,应该是Poincaré Conjecture的3中不同的可能答案。这类似有3种不同的几何学(欧氏几何、双曲几何、椭圆几何)。Poincaré Conjecture的不同回答,应该对应了3种不同的拓扑学。
千万不要只盯着证明Poincare / Poincaré Conjecture了,好好想一想Poincare / Poincaré Conjecture不成立、独立情况下的代数拓扑学吧

在1826年2月23日罗巴切夫斯基(Никола?й Ива?нович Лобаче?вский,英文Nikolas lvanovich Lobachevsky,1792年12月1日—1856年2月24日)以前,历史上有多少人声称“证明了平行公设”?
我们已经有过芝诺悖论(Zeno's Paradoxes)、无理数(Irrational number)、虚数(Imaginary number)、非欧几何(Non-euclidean Geometry)、连续统假设(Continuum Hypothesis)等证明与研究的历史教训了,今天还要在庞加莱猜想(Poincare / Poincaré Conjecture)研究上简单地重复过去吗?
We have had the profound and serious historical lessons in proof/study of Zeno's Paradoxes, Irrational number, Imaginary number, Non-euclidean Geometry and Continuum Hypothesis. Why we want to repeat them simply in today’s researching the Poincare / Poincaré Conjecture?

“忘记过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。”西班牙哲学家、小说家乔治·桑塔亚纳(George Santayana)说。“Those who cannot remember the past, are doomed to repeat it”, or “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”( Remember the words of George Santayana!


[1] 胡作玄. 庞加莱猜想100年. 《科学文化评论》,2004年第1卷第03期:86-98.
[2] John Milnor, Poincare Conjecture (The Millennium Problems), Official Problem Description,
[3] 胡作玄. 破解庞加莱猜想. 《百科知识》,2006年第7(下)期:7-8.
[4] Andrew John Wiles. Modular Elliptic Curves and Fermat's Last Theorem, Annals of Mathematics, 1995, 141(3): 443-551. 大牛,被SCI引用378次!
[5] Cohen, Paul Joseph. The Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1963, 50 (6): 1143–1148. 才被SCI引用93次!
[6] Cohen, Paul Joseph. The Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis, II. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1964, 51 (1): 105–110. 才被SCI引用67次!更少了。
[7] Poincaré conjecture (Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Edited by Michiel Hazewinkel):
[8] The Poincare Conjecture: Its Past, Present, and Future.
PoiCon (first draft) 2009-07-31

[1] 标题:...... 发表评论人:ohode [2009-8-9 5:20:54] 删除 回复 非欧几何的逻辑无矛盾并不能否定欧氏几何,只是逻辑上互相独立而已.


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